Tuesday Takeover: Telana McCullough
Takeover, Business Casual, Like A Boss Katherine Mazaheri Takeover, Business Casual, Like A Boss Katherine Mazaheri

Tuesday Takeover: Telana McCullough

I’m proud to welcome the stunning Telana McCullough to takeover Tuesday! Telana McCullough is a trailblazer in all aspects. Currently working as a Staff Attorney for the Oklahoma State Department of Education, and serving as the Diversity Committee Chair for the Oklahoma Bar Association, Telana has shown her dedication to our community. Serving as an example to young girls all over Oklahoma. You should not only want to be part of your community’s change, but you should instead strive to lead it.

Telana’s uses her style to encapsulate her motives throughout any given day at work. Viewing her clothing as “armor” helps Telana ensure she feels confident, beautiful, and ready to handle any task with ease. I’m so excited to share Telana’s tips and tricks on how to make any work outfit bold, fun, and most importantly- helping you make your fashion statement!

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